Staff Resources
- Applicant Database (District Admins)
- Benefits
- BISD Support Portal & Knowledge Base (Facilities, Technology and Central Stores)
- Campus List
- Contacts
- Days of Duty 2024-25 - Campus Staff
- Days of Duty 2024-25 Central Administration
- Email Access (Webmail)
- Employee Discounts
- Employee Handbook
- Employee Handbook Acknowledgement
- Enterprise Applicant Database (District Admins)
- Facilities Management Service Request
- Facilities Reservation Request - School Dude
- Facility Reservation Instructions
- Field Trip Approval Request
- Field Trip APPROVED List
- Human Resources
- Important Dates 24-25
- Leave Request (Associates/Executive Directors/Directors/ Principals Only)
- Leave Inquiry (Campus/Dept Use)
- Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
- Membership
- MUNIS Employee Self Service (Staff Only)
- New to BISD
- Print Request
- Professional Learning
- Professional Services Timesheet
- SafeSchools/Vector Solutions
- Staff Newsletter - Birdville Bulletin
- Technology
- Technology Service Request & Knowledge Base
- University Graduate Programs
- Workers' Comp Video
Staff Announcements
Workers Compensation Information for Staff
Visit the website that provides information and assist you during your process of your Workers' Compensation Injury. If you have any questions, contact Candace Miller, Workers' Compensation and Leaves/Absences at (817) 547-5855 or
Tell Me Something Good!
There is a lot of good happening around us every day. Sadly, we get so busy that we don’t stop to share the good news with others. Click here to brighten our day and “Tell Me Something Good!”
Hello: Is Anyone There? Will We Be Able to Reach You?
Birdville ISD uses the contact information in an employee's Munis Employee Self-Service record. To ensure that you receive all phone or text communications from the District, please verify your contact information in Munis.
BISD Employee Discount Website
It’s shopping season! Don’t forget to visit the District’s Employee Discount page for vendor links to discounts in apparel, services, travel, and much more!
Quick Tip - Print Training Certificate
How do I print a certificate for a training I attended this summer?
Technology questions? We have answers! BISD's Technology Knowledge Base was created to assist you.
View the collection of information right at your fingertips. Click title for additional information.
District News...
Think Twice Video Now Available
There are NO second chances when you choose to make a threat towards others or the school. Birdville ISD responds to all threats and takes all threats seriously. > click title to watch the video
Become an approved BISD volunteer for the 2024–25 school year.
Learn about becoming a BISD volunteer or returning as a volunteer for 2024-25.
Online Tutoring Now Available for BISD Students
Varsity Tutor- A free online tutoring service available to all Birdville ISD families via the student portal.
Free and Reduced Meal Application
Birdville ISD encourages all families to apply to support funding for all students. Starting July 1, families should complete the 2024–25 free and reduced meal application.
FOCUS - Student Information System - Helpful Tips Now Available!
View helpful information on how to log in, access grades reset password and more. > Click on title
Staff Quick Links
- Administrative Handbook
- Administrative Regulations
- BISD Calendar
- BISD Handbooks
- Blackboard Finalsite Connect (Mass Communications)
- Board Policy Online
- Canvas
- Eduphoria! Log In
- Ellevation (for Administrators)
- Ellevation (for Teachers)
- Employee Benefits HUB
- Frontline, formerly AESOP
- Kronos
- Partners in Education (PIE)
- Payroll
- PL Processes and Procedures
- Support Portal & Knowledge Base (Facilities, Technology and Central Stores)
- Teacher Hiring Schedule
- Teachers of the Year
- Title IX Coordinator
- Touch of Class