• Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) College Readiness System

    AVID’s mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society.

    AVID at a Glance  


    Birdville ISD AVID Schoolwide System

    Currently, BISD has the AVID College Readiness System (CRS) in four middle schools (Haltom Middle School, North Oaks Middle School, Richland Middle School, Watauga Middle School) and two high schools (Haltom High School, Collegiate Academy of Birdville). Haltom High School received the distinction of AVID National AVID Demonstration School in 2015 and was re-validated in 2018 and 2024. AVID National Demonstration Schools are exemplary models of the AVID College Readiness System which foster the highest level of schoolwide systemic visibility of AVID essentials.

    The AVID schoolwide model integrates 5 core elements:  writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading (WICOR). AVID is governed by 4 domains: instruction, systems, leadership and culture. The student interest process begins on campus with a student campus recommendation for the AVID CRS or a student/parent request with interest.  Program criteria and academic commitment will be communicated by the campus AVID Site Coordinator of the aforementioned campuses. 

    For additional information about the AVID College Readiness System, contact Kristinn Holbrooks (AVID District Coordinator) at 817-547-5500, ext. 18891 or kristinn.holbrooks@birdvilleschools.net.

    Kristinn Holbrooks, BISD AVID Coordinator


    AVID District Leadership

    Birdville ISD had the pleasure of hosting Brett Bowers, Vice President of AVID School District Leadership, for a session entitled “Ensuring a Strong Return on the AVID Investment in 2024 and Beyond”. More than 30 area campus and district administrators gathered at the BISD Plaza for an engaging experience to discuss maximizing Advancement Via Individual Determination schoolwide. Participants joined our Birdville ISD leadership team from Arlington ISD, Eagle-Mountain Saginaw ISD, Everman ISD, Fort Worth ISD, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD, Keller ISD and Trinity Basin Preparatory. Meet us at AVID National Conference!