Emergent Bilinguals (English Learners) in Texas
Please access the link to find information from the Texas Education Agency about programs specific to emergent bilinguals (English earners) in Texas.
Bilingual/ESL Education Overview
The Department of Multilingual Services is committed to promoting academic excellence, equity, and access for emergent bilinguals (English learners) in Birdville ISD. It oversees the following language programs:
- One-Way Dual Language
- English as a Second Language Program
- Campus-Based International Newcomer Student
Within these programs, we ensure that every child’s native language, culture, background, and interests are respected and utilized in the learning process. Additionally, best practices for emergent bilinguals (English learners) are implemented to accelerate the academic progress in all content areas. This will build and develop communication skills and cognitive academic language naturally.
We serve more than 5,200 EBs in grades PK - 12. English Learners in Birdville ISD represent more than 40 different languages. Spanish and Vietnamese are the highest represented primary languages. We embrace our diverse population and strive to provide high quality, differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all emergent bilinguals (English learners).