Haltom Middle School

Birdville Independent School District

District News...

  • Summer School Registration is Open!

    If you have received a letter recommending your student to attend summer school, you must register them by Friday, April 21st, 2023. If you have any questions or have trouble registering, please contact Haltom Middle School at 817-547-4000.

    REGISTER HERE -> bit.ly/BISDsummerschoolregistration


    ¡La inscripción para la escuela de verano está abierta!

    Si ha recibido una carta recomendando que su estudiante asista a la escuela de verano, debe inscribirlo antes del Friday, April 21st, 2023. Si tiene alguna pregunta o tiene problemas para inscribirse, comuníquese con Haltom Middle School al 817-547-4000.

    REGISTRAR AQUÍ -> bit.ly/BISDsummerschoolregistration


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Partners in Education (PIE)

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    We need you! School-support opportunities for parents, businesses and the community. Visit PIE website.

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  • Anonymous Alerts | Report student concerns quickly to school officials
    Anti-bullying and safety app reporting system helps combat bullying and other negative activity. 
    Birdville ISD takes all tips seriously and will investigate at the appropriate level. If this is an emergency, call 911.
    Learn more about Anonymous Alert


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