- North Ridge Middle School
- Overview
Cell Phone Policy for North Ridge Middle School the Innovative Entrepreneurship Academy
The district permits students to possess cell phones or other items used for communication. NRMSIEA will continue to support BISD. However, during the instructional day, such devices should not be visible or on their persons. Additionally, cell phones shall remain off during instructional time, passing periods, and lunch unless approved by a teacher or an administrator. Placing a device in silent/vibrate mode is not considered “turned off.” The use of these devices by students during the school day is prohibited and any communication between the student and home during the day must be made through the school. If a cell phone is confiscated, it will be immediately sent to the office to be placed in a safe and secure place. Noncompliance of the above policy will produce the following results:
1. The first time a cell phone is confiscated, it will be returned to the student at the end of the day with parental contact made by the teacher. 2. The second time a cell phone is confiscated it will be a parent pick up at the end of the day with parental contact made by the teacher. 3. The third time a cell phone is confiscated it will be a 24 hour hold with contact made by an administrator. 4. The fourth time a cell phone is confiscated, an administrator will contact the parent and the phone will not be allowed back on campus. 5. Any student refusing to give the device to school personnel will be subject to level I disciplinary consequences.
In addition, air pods, ear buds, head phones, or any listening apparatus will be held to the same standards and consequences listed above. In conclusion, NRMSIEA will continue to be a Blended Campus that focuses on BISD’s Portrait of a Graduate and all BISD’s academic initiatives. As we continue to process of growth as a school of specialization, we plan to add additional business classes, open our campus to businesses, and build our platform through student academic growth success, social media platform, and community outreach.
#trusttheprocess #nrmsiea