• Welcome PTA Members!PTA

    As a PTA member, you can spend as much time or none at all in the many opportunities for volunteers throughout the year.  You will in no way be obligated to give more than you are able to. We welcome all those that have the time and resources to provide their services to our many functions.  Our members include full-time workers, stay-at-home parents, grandparents, friends and other relatives.  We all know that children learn more and have better lives when parents, teachers, administrators, and the community work together to share thoughts, ideas on programs and projects that benefit children.  In order to help children and their families, our PTA sponsors programs such as:

    Field Trips

    Christmas Parties

    End of Year Parties

    Clothes Connection

    Reflections Contest

    Fall Festival

    School Dance

    Penguin Patch (Christmas Shop)

    Spirit Shirts


    Nurses' Supplies

    5th grade science camp

    Teacher Appreciation

    Dues are $7.50 per member which can be paid with either cash or check.  If you need any further information, please contact the PTA at wataugapta@gmail.com.

    You may signup for the PTA online. https://www.joinpta.org
Last Modified on September 11, 2022