Visual Impairment Services
Who Provides Services For Students With Vision Impairments?
A Teacher of the Visually Impaired with:
- a degree in special or general education
- certification in vision impairments
- specialized training in Braille and technology
An Orientation And Mobility Specialist (O&M) With:
- a degree in a related field
(i.e., Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Rehabilitation Teaching Low Vision Specialist) - completion of all O & M core curricula
- one year of full-time experience in O & M
A Braille Transcriber With:
- Braille Instruction from the National Library of Congress
- specialized training in Nemeth (math) Braille code
- training in creating tactile maps, mathematical graphs and pictorial graphics
- ongoing training of Braille production technology
Where Are Vision Services Provided?
- General Education Classroom
- Special Education Classrooms
- Homes
- Daycare Centers
- Cafeterias
- Gyms
- Playgrounds
- Grocery Stores
- Community
- Job Sites
If you have a child with impaired vision, please contact your home campus or Nancy Benham in the Birdville ISD Special Education Department for more information on services that your child may be eligible to receive.