• Smithfield Elementary Wildcat Extended Day Program


      Smithfield Elementary will offer a before and after Extended Day program this school year that will be managed by the school, under the leadership of two Directors, and assisted by BISD staff and employees.  Each day a director will be onsite with an adult to student ratio of 10:1. Under our care, students will be provided with snacks, help with homework, play outside, and many other activities in a safe environment on our campus.  This program will be available to Pre-K through 5th grade students.  A $25 non-refundable registration fee per student will be required with enrollment.  Children who qualify for free or reduced lunch will receive an additional discount with the necessary documentation.


      Weekly Tuition Rates:

                                                                    Regular Rate             Sibling Rates             Discounted Rates

                  Before & After School                     $85                             $75                             $70

                  Before School Only                          $40                             $35                             $35

                  After School Only                            $75                             $70                             $70

      *Late fee for pickups will be automatically added.  The rate is $15.00 after 10 minutes late.  This will be applied per student.



      Wildcat Extended Day hours are Before School 6:30am – 7:40am, After School 3:25pm – 6:00pm.  Extended Day will be OPEN on Early Release Days.  Extended Day will NOT be available during school holidays, school closings for bad weather or emergencies, and summer breaks.


      Extended Care is currently full and placing students on a wait list. 


      Please contact Leslea Delaney with any questions at Leslea.Delaney@birdvilleschools.net or at 817-547-5500 ext 07635 or 817-547-2100.  We look forward to having your student with us in Wildcat Extended Care.