• Exploring Little Minds: Welcome to our PreK Adventure!
    PreK 4
    Registration for Pre-K 3-year-olds and Pre-K 4-year-olds opens April 1!
  • Prekindergarten is available in Birdville ISD to children four years of age on or before September 1, who meet eligibility requirements in one or more of the following areas:

    • Economically Disadvantaged
    • Limited English Proficiency
    • Homelessness
    • Foster care (current or former)
    • Child of a U.S. armed forces active duty member; or U.S. armed forces member killed/injured during active duty
    • Dependent child of a Star of Texas Award recipient
    • Child who is in or has ever been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (CPS). Documentation from CPS is required.

    If your child qualifies based on one or more of the eligibility criteria, your child may attend the state-funded (free for qualifying children) pre-K program in Birdville ISD. Click here to begin the enrollment process

    If your child does not qualify for Pre-K, there is a tuition-based program that families can apply for the coming school year. The link to apply for this tuition-based pre-K program will be available on April 1.

     email Pre/K liaisons Return to Begin at Birdville ISD

      • Note: Registration for Pre-k 3-Year-olds and Pre-k 4-Year-olds Opens April 1!

  • Are you new to Birdville ISD?

  • New to Birdville Information

  • Are you returning to Birdville ISD?

  • Returning Student Information

  • Do you live in the Birdville ISD boundary?

    Check your address by entering it in the box below.

    If your address is zoned WITHIN the Birdville ISD boundary areas, then you can register online for New/Returning Student Registration.
     If you live outside the BISD boundary areas or want to apply to a different BISD campus, you must complete an online Open Enrollment Application.